
summer bug

In the train a bug black and big as a pen cap lands in a woman's hair and we all see it there and it's crawling down the length as she talks with her boyfriend oblivious of it untill it falls onto her arm dumb and stingless. Just a big summer bug. And then she quietly freaks and thrashes about till it drops like a curled leaf to the floor where it walks around around her feet. And I sit here in such smiling awe that she doesn't stomp on it and kill it. Never makes even a threatening act with her foot. She doesn't take a shocked revenge and I sense a hope reborn in me in these creatures and I put this pen to this to say this: this beauty.


Blogger Santari Santari said...

as a bug,
i have to say, i
appreciate the grace
shown me
from time to time

12:17 AM  

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